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Botanical Extract

  • healthy organic Buchu Leaf Extract powder

    healthy organic Buchu Leaf Extract powder

    Product Description The buchu (Agathosma betulina or Barosma betulina) is a small perennial shrub plant (it can reach a maximum of one meter in height) with white or pink flowers of about one cm; belongs to the Rutaceae family. It is a plant of South African origin, but is also grown in some areas of South America. The parts that are used for phytotherapeutic purposes are the leaves, which are collected during the flowering and fruiting periods. Function The buchu (Agathosma betulina or Baros...
  • Factory supply natural Chitrak Roots Extract/Plumbago zeylanica Extract Powder

    Factory supply natural Chitrak Roots Extract/Plumbago zeylanica Extract Powder

    Product Description Chitrak (Plumbago zeylanica) is a medicinal herb belonging to the family Plumbaginaceae. Due to its medicinal properties, it is grown in most parts of India, majorly in West Bengal and the southern regions. It is also distributed worldwide in tropical and subtropical countries. Other names of Chitrak include Agni/Vahni in Sanskrit, Chira/Chitra in Hindi, and Lead war in English.3 Plumbago zeylanica contains a variety of phytochemicals present in different parts. These...
  • hot sell high quality Tabebuia Extract

    hot sell high quality Tabebuia Extract

    Product Description Tabebuia has been used as a medicinal herb for over a thousand years. It is one of the remedies considered indispensable by the Callawaya Indians of Brazil and the Incas. According to accounts of the time, the Incas used tabebuia to cure many diseases, including degenerative ones. The Brazilian Indians also used the inner part of the cortex for a large number of disorders, such as intestinal inflammation, dysentery, fever, sore throat, wounds, arthritis, cystitis, respirat...
  • biological enzymolysis water soluble organic seaweed extract

    biological enzymolysis water soluble organic seaweed extract

    Product Description The klamath algae are not marine algae, but are collected directly in the homonymous lake, in Oregon where they abound near the Klamath Falls, from which they take their name. They are usually harvested from June to November. Application Anti-aging and antioxidant effects Promotes drainage and suppresses nervous hunger It stimulates the immune system Helps overcome allergies Benefits Reduce kidney stones, treat high blood pressure, relieve pain in rheumatoid arthritis, ...
  • Nutritional Supplement Noni Fruit Extract powder

    Nutritional Supplement Noni Fruit Extract powder

    Product Description Noni is the fruit of Morinda Citrifolia also called Indian mulberry, an evergreen plant of the Rubiaceae family that grows in tropical areas, particularly in Polynesia. Consumed for millennia in its areas of origin, this greenish fruit has become popular all over the world not only for its particularly strong and pungent flavor, but for its beneficial properties. Traditional medicine had long used the derivatives of the small evergreen tree to treat disorders of the skin, ...
  • High Quality Black Poplar Extract Powder

    High Quality Black Poplar Extract Powder

    Product Description The properties of black poplar have been known since ancient times:Galen used as a vulnerary a balm called “acopon”, obtained from the buds left to soak in the sun in oil; in the Middle Ages the Poplar was part of the composition of a preparation called “Populeo Ointment”, which was recommended for the local treatment of hemorrhoids, dermatosis, wounds and burns. In the early 1900s, the diuretic and pain-relieving activity of black poplar was demonstrated. The bark extract...
  • Supply High Quality Organic Red Beetroot Extract Powder

    Supply High Quality Organic Red Beetroot Extract Powder

    Product Description Beetroot is originally from the Mediterranean coast and it is the main raw material for sugar production. Beets as ingredients, has a long history in Europe, in ancient Britain the traditional medical approach, beet roots are important drugs for the treatment of blood diseases. In addition to being a food, beets are used as a food coloring and as a medicinal plant. Many beet rpoducts are made of other Beta Vulgaris varieties, in particular sugar beet. B...
  • Wholesale 100% Natural Artichoke Extract Powder

    Wholesale 100% Natural Artichoke Extract Powder

    Product Description The artichoke, common name of the cynaria scolymus, is a vegetable that belongs to the composite family. Of Mediterranean origin, practically unknown in the wild, it derives from selections of the thistle (Cardo Cardunculus). The stem (50 to 150 cm high) is straight and robust with longitudinal streaks, with large alternate leaves, of a more or less intense green color and in some cases gray in the upper part; the leaves have the characteristic of being rather thorny. Bene...
  • High Quality Garcinia Cambogia Extract

    High Quality Garcinia Cambogia Extract

    Short Description Garcinia Cambogia Powder is also known as: Brindal Berry; Gamboge; Gorikapuli; Malabar Tamarind; Mangosteen; Uppagi.Garcinia Cambogia contains Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA), which can help support healthy weight loss. Garcinia is a plant native to India, Southeast Asia and Polynesia. Its fruits have been eaten by local populations for centuries. Garcinia Cambogia Extract Powder is present in the pericarp of the fruit of Garcinia cambogia up to 30% by weight. Commerciall...
  • Manufacturers supply high quality senna leaf extract powder

    Manufacturers supply high quality senna leaf extract powder

    Short Description Senna is a shrub found in India, Pakistan, South China and elsewhere. Its name is derived from the Arabic word “sena,” and it has been used in ayurvedic and unani medicines since the ninth century.The leaves and pods, or fruit, are used medicinally. Senna Leaf Extract Powder is used in the field of medicine and health care products. Product Description Product Name: Senna Leaf Extract Category: Plant Extracts Effective components: Sennosides A&B Product specification: 5....
  • Manufacturers supply Rustyback(Ceterach) Extract

    Manufacturers supply Rustyback(Ceterach) Extract

    Product Description Rustyback is a wild herb with an anti-inflammatory and diuretic action, used for centuries to dissolve kidney stones. Ceterach officinarum is widespread in central Europe and was used to resolve disorders of the spleen. Today it is appreciated for its effectiveness in the kidney, but it can also help the liver. Benefits It counteracts tissue inflammation and calms spasms Reduces the sensation of pain Protects and cleanses the liver It acts favorably on the functioning of ...
  • High purity quality Organic Quercetin powder

    High purity quality Organic Quercetin powder

    Product Description Quercetin(Quercetina) is a plant flavonol from the flavonoid group of polyphenols. It is found in many fruits, vegetables, leaves, seeds, and grains; red onions and kale are common foods containing appreciable amounts of quercetin.[2] Quercetin has a bitter flavor and is used as an ingredient in dietary supplements, beverages, and foods. Product Name: Quercetin Category: Plant Extracts Effective components: Quercetin Dihydrate, Quercetin Anhydrous Product...