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AOGUBIO supply best price for CPP food grade Casein Phosphopeptide

Casein phosphopeptides (CPP) is a kind of functional food additives

Casein Phosphopeptide application (3)

Casein phosphopeptide is casein hydrolyzed by trypsin or trypsin, which is refined and purified. Its core structure is Ser (P) - Ser (P) - Ser (P) - Glu Glu - (Ser: serine, Glu: glutamic acid, P: phosphate). The phosphoserine residues (- Ser (P) -) in this structure exist in clusters and carry negative charges in the weakly alkaline pH environment of the intestine, which can prevent further action of digestive enzymes and prevent CPP from further hydrolysis, resulting in stable presence in the intestine. Domestic research has found that the smaller the molar ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus in CPP, the shorter the peptide chain of CPP, and the higher the density of phosphate groups, resulting in higher CPP purity and stronger promotion of calcium absorption and utilization.

Casein Phosphopeptide 2

Calcium is easily absorbed only when it exists in the form of ions, and in neutral and weakly alkaline environments, it is easy to form insoluble salts with acid ions and be lost. The absorption effect of CPP on calcium is mainly manifested by its ability to bind with calcium in neutral and weakly alkaline environments, inhibit the generation of insoluble precipitates, avoid calcium loss, and ultimately passively absorb due to the increase in free calcium concentration. Current research shows that the effect of CPP on promoting calcium absorption is mainly manifested in the following aspects:

  • (1) Promote the absorption of calcium in the small intestine.

The cereal foods in human diet contain a large amount of high phosphorus components such as phytic acid and inositol hexaphosphate, which combine with calcium in the pH 7-8 environment at the lower end of the small intestine to form calcium phosphate precipitates. CPP can inhibit the formation of calcium phosphate precipitation, maintain a high concentration of free calcium, promote passive absorption of calcium, and become another pathway for vitamin D as a calcium absorption promoter.

  • (2) Promote the utilization of calcium by bones.

Animal experiments show that CPP can promote the absorption and utilization of calcium, weaken the effect of osteoclast and inhibit bone resorption.

  • (3) Promote the utilization of calcium by teeth.

In the past, it was believed that chewing cheese after meals can stimulate saliva secretion, allowing alkaline saliva to buffer the acidic substances on dental plaque from corroding enamel, which helps prevent the occurrence of dental caries. In recent years, research has found that CPP contained in cheese can bind calcium ions in food to dental caries, reducing enamel demineralization, and thus achieving anti caries goals.

Casein Phosphopeptide application (2)
Casein Phosphopeptide application (1)

Research has found that sperm in culture medium containing CPP have significantly higher ability to penetrate egg cells and can reduce the degree of sperm variation, making embryonic development more stable. CPP can also improve the bioavailability of metal ions such as iron, zinc, and magnesium, hence it is known as a peptide substance with metal carrier function. At present, CPP has been applied in children's curry rice, beverages, chewing gum and other food and health products abroad. Research and application on the treatment of calcium deficiency in children, osteoporosis in the elderly, infertility, and dental health are also ongoing. Because CPP is a peptide extracted from natural proteins and has the advantages of minimal adverse reactions, safety, and reliability, it will be widely used. The sensitization reaction of casein, skim milk protein and CPP has been studied abroad, and it is found that the sensitization of CPP is very small, indicating that it can be applied to the constitution allergic to milk. However, it should also be noted that the factors affecting the effect of CPP are very complex, and their role in calcium metabolism still needs to be improved.

Post time: Jun-15-2023