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Aogubio supply healthy weight loss health care products L-carnitine

L-carnitine 2
L-carnitine 1

Appearance: White powder, slightly fishy smell
Chemical formula: C7H15NO3
Molecular weight: 161.20(by 2011 international relative atomic mass)
CAS number: 541-15-1
EINECS No. : 208-768-0

What is L-carnitine? 

L-carnitine, also known as L-carnitine, is an amino acid that converts fat into energy. Red meat is the main source of L-carnitine, which has no adverse effects on humans. Different types of diets already contain 5-100 mg of L-carnitine, but the average person can only get 50 mg a day from their diet, and vegetarians even less. The main physiological function of L-carnitine is to promote the conversion of fat into energy. Taking L-carnitine can reduce body fat and weight without reducing water and muscle. In 2003, L-carnitine was recognized as the safest nutrition supplement for weight loss without side effects by the International Obesity Health Organization.

Physical property:

Physiological function:

Appearance for white lens or white transparent fine powder, slightly special smell. Easily soluble in water, ethanol, methanol, slightly soluble in acetone, insoluble in ether, benzene, trichloromethane, ethyl acetate. Highly moisture absorbent, deliquious and possibly liquefied when exposed to air. It can be placed in the solution of pH 3 ~ 6 for more than 1 year, and can withstand high temperature above 200℃. Its bond combination and binding group have better solubility and water absorption

L-carnitine exists widely in nature, and its content is high in muscle tissue. Animal studies have found that the adrenal glands have the highest concentration of L-carnitine, followed by the heart, bone, muscle, fat tissue and liver. Free L-carnitine is excreted in the urine. Carnitine is required by the body through dietary intake and/or endogenous synthesis. Human livers and kidneys synthesize carnitine from lysine and methionine.

L-carnitine Action:

L-carnitine is a key substance in fat metabolism, which can promote the oxidation and decomposition of fatty acids into mitochondria. In a long period of intense exercise, the oxidation rate of fat is improved, the consumption of glycogen is reduced, and fatigue is also delayed.

L-carnitine 3
L-carnitine 4
  • 1. Enhance endurance and improve athletic performance

L-carnitine can promote the oxidation of fatty acids through the mitochondrial membrane for energy supply, so it can promote the burning of fats in the body to provide energy during exercise. Meanwhile, L-carnitine can also promote the oxidation utilization of branched chain amino acids and change the activity of respiratory enzymes in mitochondria, thus improving the body's ability of aerobic oxidation and energy supply.

  • 2. Promote recovery from fatigue

L-carnitine supplementation can promote the activity of pyruvate dehydrogenase in cells, thus promoting the oxidative utilization of glucose, which is beneficial to delay the occurrence of fatigue during exercise.

  • 3. Slow down the aging process

Energy is the biggest anti-aging force, cells have enough energy will be full of vitality. One of the reasons for accelerated aging is the weakening of cell energy in the aging process of human body. Proper L-carnitine supplement can delay the aging process.

L-carnitine 5
  • 4. Health care for the heart and blood vessels

The heart is the body's most "diligent" organ and needs to constantly pump blood to keep people alive. At least two-thirds of the energy source of heart cells in constant motion comes from fat oxidation, and L-carnitine is an indispensable key substance for fat oxidation. If L-carnitine is lacking, the heart will be affected first.

  • 5. It helps eliminate fatty liver

Liver is an important metabolic organ of lipids and fats. In addition to fatty liver caused by eating too much fat, when the lack of L-carnitine or insufficient supply of methyl in the body, it will cause the oxidation of long chain fatty acids, and also lead to fatty liver caused by excessive accumulation of fat in the liver.

Capsule customization service.

OEM customized your private label service
We have three options for printing bags:
1.print the lable and attach it to the bag.
2.Printing bags
3.You can also send us the printed bag
Storage and shelf life: The product is kept at -18 ℃ or below, and the shelf life is 24 months from the date of production.
The products are packaged in high barrier composite aluminum foil bags, the packaging specifications are 500g/bag,
1kg/bag or according to customer needs.

Horny Goat Weed Capsules-3

Post time: Apr-11-2023