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AOGUBIO Supply OEM capsules Nattokinase with your private label

What is Nattokinase?

Nattokinase (NK) is a Bacillus subtilis protein kinase, a serine protease produced by Bacillus subtilis natto during the fermentation process of natto. It has the functions of dissolving blood clots, reducing blood viscosity, improving blood circulation, softening and increasing vascular elasticity.

In 1980, it was discovered in Natto that it consists of 275 amino acids arranged in a fixed manner, with a molecular weight of 27724. It has a unique function of decomposing blood clots, and its active effect is represented by the intrinsic unit FU.

Nattokinase 1

Physical and chemical properties

Nattokinase rapidly denatures and deactivates at temperatures exceeding 80 ℃, but repeated freeze-thaw has little effect on it.

Nattokinase stabilizes within 10 minutes when the pH value increases from 7 to 12; When the pH value is below 5, it rapidly denatures and becomes inactive.

After mixing nattokinase with viscous substances, it can maintain activity of no more than 7.5% in an acidic environment with a pH value of 2-3.

Nattokinase is a large molecule single chain peptidase that can be broken down into amino acid fragments or smaller molecular weight peptide chains by intestinal digestive juices (chymotrypsin, trypsin, small intestine fluid, etc.).

nattokinase capsules
Nattokirase facts

Nutritional value of natto

Natto is a functional food made from cooked soybeans that are fermented with bacteria. In addition to maintaining the nutrients of the raw soybean, it also has higher levels of certain components such as protein, fiber, calcium, iron, potassium, and vitamins than cooked soybeans

The content of biotin B1, vitamin B2, and other minerals, especially calcium, iron, and potassium, even exceeds that of eggs. If comparing natto with eggs and beef, the protein content of 100g of natto is equivalent to 3 eggs or 80g of beef. The amino acid content in natto is also very rich, which is due to the production of various vitamins and enzymes during the fermentation process, such as amylase, protease, lipase, cellulase, nattokinase, lysozyme, glutamic acid transpeptidase, etc. Due to the action of enzymes, protein and other nutrients are decomposed, so the digestion rate of natto (85%) is higher than that of cooked soybean (68%), which is more nutritious and easier to absorb.

Role research

NattoKinase (NK) is a protein with a molecular weight much smaller than UK, SK, and tPA, extracted from food natto or fermented by natto bacteria. It can be absorbed by the intestine. The in vitro and in vivo thrombolytic properties of NK have been determined through experiments, and it has been found that the in vivo thrombolytic activity of NK is four times that of fibrinolytic enzyme. It acts quickly and lasts for a long time in vivo, and can also activate tPA in the body, making it mild Continuously improve the fibrinolytic activity of the blood. Patients at risk of myocardial infarction need to inject 300000 units of urokinase at a time, and 50 grams of natto contain 800000 units of urokinase for thrombolysis.

Main functions


significant effect of nattokinase is particularly effective against old blood clots. Nattokinase achieves direct thrombolytic effect by hydrolyzing the main fibrin of thrombus, and is currently the only natural substance found to dissolve old thrombus.

In 2015, Tokyo Medical University conducted a thrombolytic experiment with nattokinase in humans, confirming that nattokinase can enhance the body's fibrinolytic ability and effectively dissolve blood clots. The research report is titled "Single dose oral nattokinase thrombolysis and anticoagulation enhancement" and is published in Scientific Reports 2015; 5: 11601.

In 2016, in a 48 hour thrombolysis experiment, 300FU of nattokinase was applied to old thrombi over 56 hours, indicating that the thrombus was completely dissolved within 2 hours; The thrombolysis speed of using 150FU nattokinase is significantly higher than that of using the same equivalent of urokinase [1]. Research has shown that nattokinase has no effect on plasma fibrinogen, making it less prone to bleeding. It can also effectively activate the body's own thrombolytic mechanism, making the body immune to thrombosis through long-term use, thereby ensuring cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health.

Pls kindly contact Alisa for more details:sales02@imaherb.com

Post time: Sep-11-2023