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The Power of Bromelain: Uncovering the Benefits of Pineapple Extract

In the field of natural health and wellness, the use of plant extracts and natural substances has received great attention. One substance making waves in the health and wellness industry is bromelain, a powerful enzyme found in pineapple extract.  Aogubio, a company specialized in the production and distribution of pharmacologically active substances, raw materials and plant extracts, has been a leader in harnessing the potential of bromelain to develop nutraceuticals and supplements for human use, as well as products targeted at children. Pharmaceutical, food, nutraceutical and cosmetic industries.

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What is Bromelain?

Bromelain is derived from pineapple juice and pineapple stems and is a proteolytic enzyme. This means it has the ability to break down proteins, aiding in the digestion and absorption of nutrients in the body. Additionally, bromelain has been studied for its anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties, making it a versatile and valuable natural substance for a variety of health applications. Augu Bio has recognized the potential of bromelain and has been committed to leveraging its advantages to develop innovative and effective products.

Benefits of bromelain

People use bromelain as a natural remedy for many health issues. There is little quality scientific research to support many of its use, however.

We discuss the possible benefits of bromelain supplements, along with the research, below:

  • Relieving sinusitis

Bromelain may be helpful as a supportive therapy to reduce the symptoms of sinusitis and related conditions that affect breathing and the nasal passages.

A 2016 review of studies suggests that bromelain may reduce the duration of sinusitis symptoms in children, improve breathing, and reduce nasal inflammation.

A 2006 systematic reviewTrusted Source reports that bromelain, when a person uses it alongside standard medications, can help relieve inflammation in the sinuses. This study provides high-quality evidence, as it looked at 10 randomized control trials.

  • Treating osteoarthritis

People commonly use bromelain supplements to improve the symptoms of osteoarthritis.

A 2004 review of clinical studiesTrusted Source found that bromelain is a useful treatment for osteoarthritis, possibly due to its anti-inflammatory effects. The researchers say that further research is needed into the effectiveness and suitable dosages.

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However, this is an older study, and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) say thatTrusted Source the research to date is mixed about whether bromelain, alone or with other medications, is effective in treating osteoarthritis.

  • Anti-inflammatory effects

Share on PinterestResearch suggests that bromelain may be beneficial for people with rheumatoid arthritis.

Along with reducing nasal inflammation in sinusitis, bromelain may also reduce inflammation elsewhere in the body.

According to a 2016 review of studies, research in cell and animal models has suggested that bromelain can reduce certain compounds associated with cancer inflammation and tumor growth.

Bromelain also may help stimulate a healthy immune system to release inflammation-fighting immune system compounds.

The review also suggests that bromelain can reduce transforming growth factor beta, which is a compound associated with inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis and osteomyelofibrosis.

However, scientists had conducted many of these studies on mice or in a cell-based laboratory setting, so researchers do not currently know the effects that bromelain has in humans.

  • Anticancer effects

Bromelain may have anticancer effects both on cancer cells and by improving inflammation in the body and boosting the immune system, according to a 2010 reviewTrusted Source in the journal Cancer Letters.

However, the NIH say thatTrusted Source there is currently not enough evidence to suggest that bromelain has any effects on cancer.

  • Enhancing digestion

Some people take bromelain to relieve stomach upset and the symptoms of digestive disorders. Due to its inflammation-reducing properties, some people use it as an adjunct therapy to treat inflammatory bowel disorders.

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The NIH state thatTrusted Source there is not enough evidence for using bromelain to aid digestion.

Animal studies have suggested that bromelain can reduce the effects of some bacteria that affect the intestine, such as Escherichia coli and Vibrio cholera. These are both common causes of diarrhea.

  • Colitis

An animal studyTrusted Source found that purified fruit bromelain reduced inflammation and healed mucosal ulcers caused by inflammatory bowel disease in rats.

  • Burns

A study reviewTrusted Source found that bromelain, when used as a topical cream, was highly effective at safely removing damaged tissue from wounds and from second- and third-degree burns.


The body is usually able to absorb a significant amount of bromelain safely. People can consume about 12 grams per day of bromelain without it producing any unwanted side effects.

Article writing:Miranda Zhang

Post time: Apr-24-2024