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Top Resveratrol Supplements for Health


When it comes to health and wellness, finding the right supplements can make a world of difference. Keira is going to tell you about resveratrol in this post today. Resveratrol is famous in the world because of a French Paradox discussed in the 1990s, when it was believed that the reason why French people who eat high-fat food are not prone to cardiovascular disease is because resveratrol is contained in the red wine they often drink.

Since then, resveratrol has continued to be discovered for its potential health benefits, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, and cardiovascular protective effects.

What is resveratrol?

Resveratrol, a non-flavonoid polyphenol organic compound, is an antitoxin produced by many plants when stimulated, with the chemical formula C14H12O3. In 1940, the Japanese scholar MichioTakaoka first isolated resveratrol from Veratrum album in the lily family, and later obtained it from Polygonum cuspidatum in the polygonum family in 1963. It can be synthesized in grape leaves and grape skins and is a bioactive ingredient in wine and grape juice. It is easily absorbed by mouth and excreted in urine and stool after metabolism. In vitro and animal experiments have shown that resveratrol has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer and cardiovascular protective effects.

Resveratrol powder
Resveratrol structural formula

Resveratrol is widely distributed in plants, and as of 2021, it has been found in more than 70 plants from 21 families, In particular, itis found in Vitis, Ampelopsis, Polygonum, Arachis, Cassia, Sophora, Veratrum, Veratrum and Eucalyptus. Typical plants containing resveratrol include grapes, knotweed, peanuts, cassia, etc. The chemical synthesis method of resveratrol with simple and mature process, high product yield and low production cost has been used for industrial mass preparation, so that the acquisition of resveratrol is no longer dependent on the extraction and separation from plants. The synthesis process of resveratrol mainly uses Wittig reaction to realize the splicing of two benzene rings, and the yield can reach more than 50%.

Resveratrol structural

What are the effects of resveratrol?

beaking senility - revitalising young woman face
  • Anti-aging

In recent years, it has been found that most polyphenols have significant anti-oxidation and anti-free radical effects.

As a natural antioxidant, resveratrol has strong self-elimination and anti-lipid peroxidation, and even compared with traditional antioxidants such as vitamin C, butylhydroxytoluene, tocopherol, resveratrol has a better antioxidant effect.

Resveratrol exerts its antioxidant effect mainly through scavenging or inhibiting free radicals, inhibiting lipid peroxidation, regulating the activity of antioxidation-related enzymes and other mechanisms.

Resveratrol resists aging caused by lipid peroxidation caused by free radicals and their metabolites. At the same time, resveratrol removes free radicals, reduces the content of H₂O₂ in the skin, improves the activity of ATPase, and thus has the effect of delaying skin aging.

Control blood sugar
  • Control blood sugar

Diabetes is the most common chronic disease, but also the most easily prevented one, but because of this often let people take it lightly, the problem of diabetes, is arteriosclerosis, in addition to greatly increase the probability of myocardial infarction, stroke, if it affects the kidney microvessels, will further cause kidney failure, so how to control blood sugar is vital to life.

In a small study, resveratrol (150 mg daily for 30 days, a DSM proprietary component resVida) improved blood sugar levels (by 4.2%) and insulin levels (by 13.7%) in overweight people.

  • Anti-tumor, anti-cancer

Resveratrol has significant inhibitory effect on hepatocellular carcinoma, breast cancer, colon cancer, gastric cancer, leukemia and other tumor cells. Some scholars have confirmed that resveratrol has obvious inhibitory effect on melanoma cells by MTT method and flow cytometry.

It has been reported that resveratrol can enhance cancer radiation therapy, play a "1+1>2" effect, and effectively inhibit the role of cancer stem cells. But so far, due to the complexity of the anti-tumor mechanism of resveratrol, researchers have not reached a consensus on its mechanism of action.

  • Other functions

Resveratrol also has antibacterial, antioxidant, immunomodulatory, antiasthmatic and other biological activities. Resveratrol is highly sought after because of its various biological activities.

How to extract resveratrol?

  • Natural plant extraction method

Resveratrol was extracted and purified from grape, knotweed and peanut. The crude extraction technology mainly includes organic solvent extraction method, alkali extraction method and enzyme extraction method, microwave assisted extraction method, CO2 supercritical extraction, ultrasonic assisted extraction and other new methods are also applied. The main purpose of purification is to separate resveratrol cis, trans isomer and resveratrol Xib from the extracted raw resveratrol to obtain trans-resveratrol. The commonly used purification methods are chromatography, silica gel column chromatography, thin layer chromatography, high performance liquid chromatography and so on.

  • Synthesis method

Due to the low content of resveratrol in plants and the high extraction cost, the use of chemical, biological and genetic engineering methods to obtain resveratrol has become an indispensable means in the development process. Perkin reaction, Hech reaction and Witting-Hormer reaction are mature chemical methods for the synthesis of resveratrol, with yield of 55.2%, 70% and 35.7%, respectively. Using genetic engineering technology to control or improve the biosynthesis pathway of resveratrol to obtain high-yield plant lines; The yield of resveratrol was increased by 1.5~3.0 times by mutagenesis and other methods.

Soy isoflavone (1)

Aogubio is a company specializing in the production and distribution of pharmacologically active substances, raw materials and plant extracts, including nutraceuticals for the production of human supplements. We focus on medicines and products for the pharmaceutical, food, nutraceutical and cosmetic industries, and are committed to providing customers with high quality and effective supplements.Resveratrol is one of the ingredients we offer in plant extracts.


Our facility is equipped with a laboratory using state-of-the-art gas chromatography to rigorously test the purity and potency of our raw materials; ensuring that our customers receive superior quality products at all times.


Maintaining our goal of fulfilling a Satisfaction Guarantee Policy, our dedicated team is always ready to provide each of our customers with industry leading customer service in every aspect of the order.

If you want to know about or to purchase high quality of resveratrol, please contact with kayla.

Contact: Keira Zhang
E-mail: sales06@aogubio.com
Tel: +86 18066856327


Post time: Jan-08-2024